Chef Florin Dumitrescu, in mourning. Disturbing announcement: “I drink as much as he would have liked to drink…”
The relationship with his father-in-law, spoiled Bubu, seems to have been a perfect one. Here’s what Florin Dumitrescu writes about his wife’s father, Cristina Sima!
“My father-in-law was slick. Super slick. He was running chef Cătălin Scărlătescu with bacon through Customs in August, or he was laughing with lust at all the baloney made by chef Sorin Bontea at the shows.
The first time I met him I presented myself with the name «Viorel», that’s how he called me in his gossips. I loved him like a father, because sometimes he was closer than my father”, writes chef Florin, on a picture in which the man’s face is seen, along with his niece.
“I know that today he is fine and I do not cry for him, that he would not have wanted to mourn him, instead I drink, drink as much as he would have liked to drink, and not anything, but the best brandy that exists. Beyond suffering, it’s a sense of “derogating” from life that I feel for all the people who leave us.
My faith has taught me that people do not die, but live forever, and my father-in-law, Bubu, is waiting for me with a bottle of good brandy on the other world, and until then my job is to take care of all his girls and his nieces. And, what to see? It’s an honor to do that! (…) Smooth road, old woman, I take care of your girls!” wrote chef Florin.