Diet with Pickles: Helps you lose 5 kilos in just 6 days
Diet with pickles: First of all, to figure out why pickles can help you lose weight, it’s good to know that they have very few calories.
Specifically, a pickled cucumber over 140 grams has only 17 calories, 200 grams of sauerkraut has only 25 calories and an average doughnut has about 25 calories. However, pickles are beneficial to the intestinal flora and help to start metabolism and eliminate toxins from the body.
Pickle diet: Thus, with the help of a pickle salad, whose recipe we will present, you can lose about 2.5 kilos in 3 days.
This pickle salad is also eaten in the morning and at lunch and in the evening in combination with protein foods, to help the body get rid of fat.
Pickle diet: Pickle salad recipe that weakens you 2.5 kilos in 3 days: Finely chop 200 grams of sauerkraut, 5 pickled cucumbers, 4 doughnuts and one pickled pepenas. Mix with a teaspoon of oil and a little salt. Cut a red onion cubes and mix everything well. Consume 300 grams of this salad at each meal.
To lose 2.5 kilos in 3 days, you must strictly follow this diet:
Diet with pickles: Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and pickle salad
Diet with Pickles: Snack: a serving of pickle salad.
Diet with pickles: Lunch: 300 grams of grilled chicken breast and pickle salad
Diet with Pickles: Snack: a serving of pickle salad
Diet with pickles: Dinner: Smoked fish and a serving of pickle salad
Diet with pickles: Snack: two hours before bed, half a serving of pickle salad.